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Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast

Dec 12, 2019

Philosophical and neurophysiological perspectives for people in pain -  the last of a three part series on yoga and pain science with the editors of the book, Yoga and Science in Pain Care. 

Marlysa is a physiotherapist, yoga therapist, Assistant Professor in Yoga Therapy and Integrative Health Sciences at Maryland University of Integrative Health, and holds an adjunct position at Emory University, where she teaches the integration of yoga and mindfulness into physical therapy practice in the DPT program. 

Stay tuned to the very end of the episode for a chance to win a copy of the book. All entries need to be submitted by midnight on Tuesday December 17th, 2019.


Episode highlights: 

  • How yoga philosophy relates to pain care and what it offers for working with people in pain. 
  • Using scientific language vs. using the yoga language – how both are helpful and when to use them. 
  • Reductionist thinking as a tendency of scientific language and how yoga philosophy can counterbalance this tendency. 
  • How yoga teachers can be responsible in our relationship to science and communicating the many benefits of yoga to the public. 
  • What it means to approach yoga therapy top down or bottom up and examples of each 
  • Specific examples of how to bring yoga philosophy frameworks into your yoga classes and how it serves people in pain.


Links & Resources

Marlysa’s website 

Purchase the book, Yoga and Science in Pain Care

Join the Yoga Teacher Resource Facebook Group

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Enter the book giveaway on Instagram