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Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast

Aug 27, 2020

Rachel Cook, MBA joins Mado to talk about different business models and income streams for yoga teachers. Listen as they define what leveraged, passive, and scaled income streams are and what it looks like to put them into action. 

Episode Highlights:

  • When and why you would want to look at different income streams

Aug 20, 2020

In this on-air coaching call, Mado and Kelly explore business models for online memberships, a new take on email marketing strategy, and different ways she can support her online and in-person yoga business. 

Episode Highlights:

  • How to use a podcast to increase visibility and guide people to your other offerings

Aug 13, 2020

What does the law have to do with self-worth? Listen for a unique perspective on the purpose of the law and why yoga teachers need to understand the legal landscape around their vocation. 


Stay tuned to the end for information on how to win a signed copy of Cory’s book, The Yoga Law Book. 


Episode Highlights:

Aug 6, 2020

Explore the nuanced topic of cultural appropriation in this week’s podcast episode. Learn what it is, how to identify it, how it relates to yoga, and how we can use this information to ease the suffering and harm it can cause. 


Episode Highlights:

  • Defining cultural appropriation from both direct personal experience...